Tag Archives: Neelkanth Chhaya

[TML] The Takshila Lecture on Architecture and Society

To mark the opening of the 2018-19 cycle of The Merit List, The First Takshila lecture on Architecture and Society was delivered by Prof Neelkanth Chhaya on August 14, 2018. The lecture was followed by a dialogue with Bijoy Ramachandran and an interaction with the audience.

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In Gratitude

Retirement Address by Prof. Neelkanth Chhaya

After more than 25 years of service to the school of architecture at C.E.P.T, Prof. Neelkanth Chhaya formally retired in 2013. This address was presented by him on November 19, 2013 at Piraji Sagara Basement at C.E.P.T.